Monday, October 24, 2011

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Mid semester break is over and now it is time for the final stretch before our finals! 

How awesome is that???
While all of us were dreading to hand in our assignments and/or studying for our mid semester exams, we actually missed out on a fantastic Chinese tradition – the Mid Autumn Festival or more commonly known as the Mooncake Festival back home in Malaysia. Fear not me mateys, UQMSA came to the rescue! We may have been late in organising it, but we had it!
And here was what was on the menu!
Food: Various Mooncakes (Assorted Nuts, Red Bean, and Lotus Seed with Black Sesame)
Drinks: Oolong Tea
Entertainment: Chiang & all the participants who took part in the CHAI DENG MI (lantern riddles)


Before the ‘dissection’

During the ‘dissection’


Chiang: I bet they can’t get this!

JC: Wah, this Chiang quite smart ahhh.
Isabel: Hmmm, what would Bruce Lee do?

Fiona: Why is it so difficult?
Nabila: Takpe. Just smile & laugh

Brian: Let’s just look macho guys

 Rachel: I WANT MOONCAKES!                                     

Michele: YEAAAA!! ME TOO!!


Baby J: Tea, Glorious TEA!!      
Chiang: *just smile Chiang just smile.*

Chinese Calligraphy

Thursday, October 6, 2011

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Ramadhan Bazaar

Apologies for this late write up on our Ramadhan Bazaar but fret not, it is here finally.

Like our fellow members, we are always on the lookout for a taste of home. Since it was the month of Ramadhan, we had the great idea of organizing a Ramadhan Bazaar so that our fellow Malaysian can savor their taste buds with some authentic Malaysian food, which I can safely is very hard to find in Brisbane. Not only that, we took this opportunity to showcase to students from other countries how we do things back in Malaysia during the Ramadhan period. Namely, going to ‘pasar malam’ (night market) to buy some awesomely-made food.

The thing that surprised me the most was how fast the food ran out, even though we have already increased the quantity from our Makan Night, which we had during the first semester. We really apologize to those who weren’t able to get what they wanted.

Just look at the amount of people, ridiculous in a good way :D
For this year’s Ramadhan Bazaar, we had the pleasure of having UQ Indonesia Student Association and Macau Student Association join us, which increased the variety of food. Did anybody managed to try the soya bean from MACSA and the fried chicken from UQISA? I was going to buy some fried chicken from UQISA but they sold out L

Our pals from UQISA

Friends from MACSA
I sure wish UQMSA will organize another gathering which involves food. Wait, I think they are and it’s coming soon, so keep an eye out ;)

On behalf of the committee this is Jiansheng, saying, see you soon J

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

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UQMSA's Mid Autumn Festival evening


Mid Semester Exams are over and all those piles of assignments should have been done and dusted! Excited for Spring Break and things you are planning to do??Guess what, we have just the event to get you all relaxed and well rested for your next big adventure!

What is the first thing that comes into mind when you think about LanternsMooncakes, and Chinese TeaYES YOU GOT IT!

UQMSA will be planning a MID AUTUMN FESTIVAL!! We know the actual date for the Mid Autumn Festival was last week but all of us were busy with examinations and assignments! And it is better late than never in my books!!

WHEN? Thursday, 22 September 2011, starting at 6.30pm 

WHERE? Guyatt Park (near the playground)

HOW MUCH? Its a free event for our members !

WHATSUP? Awesome Mooncakes for everyone! Nice cup of warm herbal tea! Lanterns! Friends! Plus we'll be having some fun activities planned out for the evening.

So come on out and join us for a relaxed evening, mooncakes, gathering of friends, and we'll make this a truly Malaysian night to be remembered in Brisbane. 

Check out our Facebook event page: Mid Autumn Festival ! 
Warmest Regards,
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GRADUAN's Australian Recruitment Drive FINAL Reminder

Hey members,

"After sending my resume, These companies call / mail me in 1 day..1) Sunway Group (call),2) Maybank (mail), 3) Gamuda Berhad (mail)"

" i got called by Sunway today"

As above, some people have already got a reply upon submitting their resumes! Deadline for Resume Submissions is just a few more days away, you have until the 25th of September to submit your Resumes if you want to stand a chance to land an interview with the participating companies. 

Here is the latest list of companies participating in GRADUAN's Australian Recruitment Drive:

1.      Astro
        2.      British American Tobacco
        3.      Bank Negara Malaysia
        4.      BDO 
        5.      Deloitte
        6.      DRB HICOM
        7.      Ernst & Young
        8.      Gamuda
        9.      ICAEW
        10.     Khazanah
        11.     KPMG
        12.     Maxis
        13.     Maybank
        14.     Media Prima
        15.     PwC
        16.     Proton
        17.     Securities Commission
        18.     Sunway Group

This is not an exhaustive list and GRADUAN is working hard to get the participation of other companies in the Australian Recruitment Drive.

Just a reminder that the companies aren't just looking for graduate employment positions but are also offering internship opportunities. What this means is that even if you're just finishing your 1st, 2nd or 3rd year, you might be lucky enough to gain invaluable internship experience in your field which will only make you all the more appealing to future employers when you eventually graduate. 

GRADUAN Resume Submission Guidelines
You can email your Resumes to GRADUAN at

In the email clearly state the following: 
  • That you're studying in Brisbane
  • The university you're enrolled in
  • Your field of study
  • Your graduation year 

It is important to remember that the number of companies that will be coming over to Brisbane will depend heavily on the number of resumes GRADUAN receives from Brisbane. So this is very much a community effort! Spread the word to all your friends!

Please keep in mind that although the companies you're interested in might not come over to Brisbane, by submitting your resume to GRADUAN your resume will be stored on their online database. This database of resumes is made available to all the participating companies in GRADUAN's Australian Recruitment Drive. So no matter if some company might make the trip to Brisbane or not, your resume will get to the companies you are targeting for, and if they are interested in you, arrangements can be made for a suitable time and place for the interview (most probably back in Malaysia). And from there you never know what opportunity will be presented to you!

To receive the latest updates please click "Attending" on UQMSA's GRADUAN Recruitment Drive Facebook Event Page and visit GRADUAN's website

Important Links
Resume Submission

UQMSA GRADUAN Recruitment Drive Event Page 

GRADUAN Australian Recruitment Drive Homepage


Warmest Regards,

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

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UQMSA Interview Workshop

UQMSA Interview Workshop (27/8/2011)

A couple of weeks back, UQMSA put together an Interview Workshop Session for our members. It's a follow up to the Resume Writing Workshop that was organized in the first semester. The overall aims of these workshops are to prepare our members to stand the best chance of getting employed, no matter what field of work they are interested in.
UQMSA would like to take this opportunity to wish a special thank you to Celia, who was kinda enough to facilitate the workshop on her own personal time.


Lets have a look at some photos from the event.

Only UQMSA could fill up a room this size on a Saturday this fast! All 60 available slot were filled up within 2 days of registration opening.

As part of the workshop, there was an interactive section for members to practice answering some common interview questions they are likely to face. I don’t know how our members are going to do as potential interviewees but with stares like these they could always work as interviewers!

The Battle of the Stare-Downs.

The challengers

The two winners. Can you pick the winner between these two? We sure cant!

But it wasn’t all serious stuff. Like all UQMSA events there will always be time for socializing and making new friends! =)

Lemonade and biscuits! :D

Can you take the heat? Joel cracking under pressure!

A group shot of everyone who attended UQMSA’s Interview Workshop 2011 =)

Candid committee shot with Celia. 

Warmest Regards,
UQMSA Committee :) 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

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UQMSA's Paintball

Who’s up for some ADRENALINE rush?!

Hello peeps! Now that exams are over, everybody lets shout “WooHoooo!” So u’ve shouted and you must be thinking à ok what’s next?? OH, Hang on….. No idea on what to do after the exams? Want to have some fun but didn’t manage to get a spot in our Outdoor Excursion trip? Well, UQMSA is here to save your usual boring weekend with a touch of adrenaline!

UQMSA now present you a fun, exciting and yet affordable Paintball Event.  Precise details are as follow:

Date : 8th October 2011 (Saturday)
Time : 8.00am – 12 noon
Venue : Top Gun Paintball, Keperra
Cost per person : $40 (members), $43 (non-members)
Booth : 11am – 2pm (20th September 2011 – Tue)
              11am – 2pm ( 21st September 2011 – Wed)
*Seats are limited, on first-come first-served basis*

For a price of $40, this good deal offers u:
-         *  3 hours of heart pumping paintball game session with 8 – 12 games (5 – 20mins each)
-         *  200 paintballs throughout the game session
-         *  Semi-automatic marker & Paintball Marker
-         *  Camouflage clothing, full facemask & goggles
-         *  Breast plate for female
-         *  To and fro transportation

A full itinerary of the day:
7.30 am : Departure from UQ
7.35 am : Pickup from Toowong Tower
8.05 am : Reach our destination à Top Gun Paintball, Keperra
9.00 am : Start of game session
12.00 noon : End of game session
1.00 pm : Back in UQ

And most importantly, you get to be part of a thrilling paintball experience in Brisbane’s best and oldest Paintball field, established for more than 20 years ago (now that’s long)! We will be having a ticket selling booth at our usual area next to STA Travel from 11am to 2pm on Tuesday (20/9) and Wednesday (21/9). Seats are limited so GRAB a few of your daring friends and come join us for a heart pumping Paintball Experience then! Game on people! ;)

Warmest Regards,

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

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GRADUAN's Australian Recruitment Drive

Hi Members,

Its great to see so many of you have already submitting your resumes for GRADUAN's Australian Recruitment Drive. To all those that have already done that, GREAT JOB

There is still a couple more weeks to go before the deadline for the Resume Submission comes along but remember, the sooner you get those resumes sent out the more likely you are going to get called up for an interview

Brisbane is really catching up with Melbourne and Sydney, now there is no reason we can't beat them and get all the big companies here!

For all the latest information about GRADUAN's Australian Recruitment Drive, please check out our Facebook Event Page and GRADUAN's website

GRADUAN Resume Submission Guidelines
You can email your Resumes to GRADUAN at

In the email clearly state the following: 
  • That you're studying in Brisbane
  • The university you're enrolled in
  • Your field of study
  • Your graduation year 
Candidates who submit their Resumes before the 25th of September will be considered for interviews by some of the participating companies. Put simply, the sooner you submit your resume the better!

It is important to remember that the number of companies that will be coming over to Brisbane will depend heavily on the number of resumes GRADUAN receives from Brisbane. So this is very much a community effort! Spread the word to all your friends!

Please keep in mind that although the companies you're interested in might not come over to Brisbane, by submitting your resume to GRADUAN your resume will be stored on their online database. This database of resumes is made available to all the participating companies in GRADUAN's Australian Recruitment Drive. So no matter if some company might make the trip to Brisbane or not, your resume will get to the companies you are targeting for, and if they are interested in you, arrangements can be made for a suitable time and place for the interview (most probably back in Malaysia). And from there you never know what opportunity will be presented to you!

To receive the latest updates please click "Attending" on UQMSA's GRADUAN Recruitment Drive Facebook Event Page.

Important Links
Resume Submission

UQMSA GRADUAN Recruitment Drive Event Page 

GRADUAN Australian Recruitment Drive Homepage


Warmest Regards,

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

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Outdoor Excursion

Dear Members,

Sick of studying for Mid Semester Exams and all those piles of assignments? Already looking forward to the Spring Break? Guess what, so are we! And boy do we have a surprise lined up for all of you! =D

UQMSA will be planning an outdoor excursion for the 24th of September and we've got a bunch of fun activities lined up for all of you! 

We'll be heading down to the Sunshine Coast, picking up some Strawberries along our way. Then we will challenge theNoosa National Park while enjoying the breath-taking scenery along the coast, you might even spot some wild koalas if you're lucky. All that sounds great but we've still got more to offer. The trip will be concluded with a romantic sunset view from the Glass House Mountains

Best of all, everything is for as little as $33. YES, it's $33 including a meal!! So what are you waiting for? Come and meet us at our booth at the usual area just outside STA Travels starting from tomorrow (Wednesday) and Thursday between 11am-2pm.

Seats are limited so hurry! 
Full itinerary
8:00am             : Depart from UQ
8:10am             : Pick up at Toowong
10am                : Arrive at Strawberry Field Palm View
11am                : Depart from Strawberry Field
12pm                : Arrive at Noosa Heads (Jungle trekking)
3:30pm             : Pickup at Sunshine Beach
5:00pm             : Arrive at Glass House Mountain (Gerrard’s Lookout)
5:45pm             : Depart from Glass House Mountain
7:00pm             : Arrive at UQ St Lucia

Warmest Regards,

Saturday, August 20, 2011

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GRADUAN Australian Recruitment Drive 2011

Salam Sejahtera and Hey dear members,

Your UQMSComittee has brought you the Resume-writing Workshop, and are in the midst of organizing the Interview Workshop. And now we ask the question: Are you graduating soon? Are you right now considering your future career path and options?

 Well you’re in luck! UQMSA will be working with GRADUAN to bring you the GRADUAN Australian Recruitment Drive 2011! Time to put what you’ve learned in these workshops to good good use!

Whats it all about?
GRADUAN will be in Brisbane from the 12-13th October 2011, and will be accompanied by representatives of the top Malaysian companies who will be here to conduct networking sessions during the recruitment fair, and also to conduct interview sessions with applicants who have submitted resumes. On offer will be graduate and internship positions with THE top-performing and biggest names in Corporate Malaysia!

 Confirmed Details
Venue: University of Queensland
Oct 12th      - Recruitment Fair
Oct 13th      - Interview sessions
 (See attached poster) 
*Please note that the list of companies is not exhaustive, and we will be in touch with updates from GRADUAN about which companies will be attending.

 Graduate Positions
Fresh graduates are all eager and have great potential, but require the proper head-start in their career paths. If you ARE graduating at the end of this year, get YOUR head-start with the leading companies from Malaysia in YOUR field by landing the graduate position you’re aiming for, even before you graduate!

If you’re finishing your 3rd, 2nd, or even 1st year of university studies, the coming 3-month summer break will be a GOLDEN opportunity to obtain an internship program with Malaysian companies who are leaders in their fields. Gain valuable working experience in your line of study, widen your network of industry contacts, and possibly get one foot into the door in working for that company in the future!  

What do you need to do?
Simple: Prepare your resumes and start submitting them to GRADUAN! Please do this by email to, stating in the email your university and field of study.

The stronger and quicker the response GRADUAN receives from Brisbane, the more reason there are for more big companies to come on over. So send in your resume quickly, and don't miss this great opportunity to leverage on the fact that you are Aussie graduates (or will be), and highly sought after!

Also, you can check out GRADUAN here

We'll be in touch with updates soon! :)

Warmest Regards,