Saturday, April 23, 2011

on 3 comments

Resume Writing Workshop

Hi members, Open-mouthed smile
Are you graduating soon? Going to start looking for that dream job? Or maybe your just thinking about doing an internship?
Before you can even hope to land any of these opportunities, you're going to have to stand out from the crowd. Hundreds if not thousands of other people are going to be competing for the exact same opportunities as you are.

The best way to get your foot in the door of landing any of these opportunities is to make sure you do stand out.
How do you do that?
It all starts with your resume and CV!

To help you land that dream position you're after, UQMSA will be organizing a Resume Writing Workshop for our members!
You don't even have a Resume yet I hear you say? 
That's alright, then this workshop is exactly what you need to get yourself started! We'll be going over the basic of what a Resume should look like to put you on the right path.
How about if you already have a Resume?
Well, even if you already have one you could always polish it up a little. It'll make your case that much stronger to your potential employers. There'll be loads of hints along to way to make your's just that little bit more special!

When the world is this competitive every little helps!
The details of the event are still being finalized, and we'll let you know as soon as they are.

**a little hint - Its going to be in early May! (shhhhhh!! it's a secret!!!!)**
be quiet shhh shh shhhh silence please
Seats are limited! And based on last years response they're going to be taken up pretty fast!
We might not be able to land you that dream opportunity but we sure can help improve your chances!

If you need more convincing that you DEFINATELY should be attending this workshoop, here are a couple of quotes from our members who have attended last year's Resume Writing Workshop:

- "I honestly found the workshops extremely beneficial. Celia reveals what the employers truly like to see in a resume and then unpacks    
    several techniques on how to get our resumes noticed and tossed to the top of the YES pile."

- "By attending, I've learnt that much more to land me my summer internship of choice"

Stay tuned to this channel for the latest updates!

Warmest Regards,
UQMSA Committee


Anonymous said...

Great ideas. I am sure it’ll help people to write better resumes. very helpful, thanks for sharing this with me!@bose

Resume Formats

nhnndfkfd said...

these are really awesome ideas... i would like to improve my resume through these tips

Work in New Zealand

Unknown said...

Job is very important issue in our life. If you don't know how to apply for a job or how is a cover letter then you must have to know that before applying for a job. you don't get a job without a good cover letter. So you have to learn first how to write a cover letter sample.