Saturday, April 28, 2012

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UQMSA Rock Climbing 2012

On Saturday 31 March 2012 most of our members were busy taking their mid-semester exam. Meanwhile there were 20 enthusiastic UQMSA members at the UQMSA social rock climbing session, held at
The first thing we had to do was choose our new fashion accessories. After choosing some stylish climbing shoes and a very nice looking harness we were ready to climb. I was glad to see that our members helped each other to set up. Go team Malaysia!
After a quick harness check we were given a short introduction on belaying and climbing, for an hour and a half; so much for short. Everyone was excited and brimming with curiosity. The nerves were high though and with people’s first time dealing with their fear of heights there was a lot of new beginnings for everyone!

After understanding the “ABC” (if you want to know what “ABC” is, join our next rock climbing event!) everyone found themselves a partner and went climbing! From here on out there were great, fun moments of climbing and conquering walls!

With much encouragement and people on the floor giving directions as to where to put your right foot or your left arm on the different colour pieces, many made it to the top, exhausted, but with an accomplished smile on their faces!

The event was finished off with a fun climbing competition and the SPIDERWOMAN and SPIDERMAN this year is ELIYANA and AIM
They were given KUSHI Q (our gold sponsor) food voucher as a reward.
The 3 hours climbing session was a great experience for all of us, we learned not to give up, think about every move we make (maybe in life too!) and that heights aren’t so scary (actually maybe they still are).
“Always continue the climb. It is possible for you to do whatever you choose, if you first get to know who you are and are willing to work with a power that is greater than ourselves to do it.”
Thank you to all the members for participating in this challenging event and helping each other out when climbing. You guys are AWESOME!
Special thanks to the Urban staff and our photographer for capturing the day!