Saturday, April 28, 2012

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UQMSA Outdoor Excursion Sem1, 2012

The  UQMSA  Outdoor Excursion was advertised and promoted as a trip you will be talking about for the rest of the semester. Nay, the rest of your Uni life. Those were big expectations to live up to, and we worked our guts out to make sure things would go as smoothly as possible.
Fortunately, everyone came back alive and well. UQMSA will sign that off as an overwhelming success and record that into the annals of the glorious history of UQMSA
The end.

Jokes jokes. Here is a write-up of the excursion!
The destination this time around was Surfer’s Paradise and Springbrook National Park.
Everyone arrived early in the morning of the 10th of April 2012, bleary-eyed and tired, probably still unhappy of the fact that they were forced to wake up so early during the semester break. Nonetheless, by Malaysian standards, everyone was very punctual! We were only 5-10 minutes late #winning
First on the itinerary, some fun in the sun at Surfer’s Paradise. The weather was amazing for a beach outing! We were positively stoked!

*Intelligence revealed that our treasurer Ms. Lotion had her bikini on. But I am still looking for the pics for the benefit of our members.
Surfer’s Paradise was merely  a detour in our epic trip of course. Onwards to Springbrook!
The amazing thing about the Natural Bridge section of Springbrook was of course, there were 2 wonders of Mother Nature. During the day, you will be mesmerized by the Waterfall in the cave; By night, the haunting beauty of the glowworms will take your breath away.
We kicked off the Springbrook part of the trip with jungle-trekking.
Dayum! The participants were hard to control. We had the photographers who took their own sweet time taking photos, and the quick-walkers hell bent on finishing the track in record time. Needless to say, the overweight guide had to run back and forth getting people to slow down while beckoning the laggers to move:S

Following the track, the participants were ushered to the picnic area for food.
Nom nom nom
The lovely ladies of the committee came up with some fun games to keep us all entertained

As the sky turned dark, it was officially time for the glowworms. Torches were distributed amongst Team Lotion, Team Nana, Team Han Shen, and Team Jocinda.
The glowworms were hauntingly beautiful, but they were a bit short in numbers due to the cold weather. Bummer:(
However, the star-lit skies tugged at our heartstrings:D you never see skies like that in Brisbane!

Soon, it was time to head home. We promptly arrived back in Brisbane after a quick nap.
All in all, it was a fun trip. It wasn’t without its imperfection, but the participants were safe and sound. And most important of all, everyone got to know some new friends from the trip.