Thanks for attending our Annual General Meeting/ Deepa-Raya Fest (16 Oct) ! We had fun and we hope you did too!
Congratulations to those who have won the awesome prizes for our Lucky Draw and last but not least, let us present to you our newly-formed UQMSA Board 2009!!
President: Hiresh Devaser
Vice President: Tim Chong
Secretary: Ahmad Nasri Mohd Shafie
Treasurer 1: Alvin Teh
Treasurer 2: Tam Ai Wei
Social Conveners: Alia Adam, Fahimah Badrulhisham (Fehy) and Michael Ng
I.T. Conveners: Ali Azman Jalaludin and Kong Mun Cheong
Education Convener: Leong Lin Jing
Sponsorship Coordinator: Pinky Liang Shih Ping
UQMSA Board 2008 would like to thank all of you for your support this year. You guys rock!
May our new Board bring you another year of excitement! All the best, guys!
Fehy and Patchay : This will be our OFFICIAL last post here. It has been a wonderful year for us the IT freaks at UQMSA haha. Anyway, congrats to the new committee. Time flies and people move on. So with this, we bid you farewell muacks :) !!Signing off!
AGM DeepaRaya and UQMSA 2008 Best of the Best Photos will be posted on Facebook at:
Warmest Regards,
"Retired" UQMSA Board 2008
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