Tuesday, September 13, 2011

on 2 comments

GRADUAN's Australian Recruitment Drive

Hi Members,

Its great to see so many of you have already submitting your resumes for GRADUAN's Australian Recruitment Drive. To all those that have already done that, GREAT JOB

There is still a couple more weeks to go before the deadline for the Resume Submission comes along but remember, the sooner you get those resumes sent out the more likely you are going to get called up for an interview

Brisbane is really catching up with Melbourne and Sydney, now there is no reason we can't beat them and get all the big companies here!

For all the latest information about GRADUAN's Australian Recruitment Drive, please check out our Facebook Event Page and GRADUAN's website

GRADUAN Resume Submission Guidelines
You can email your Resumes to GRADUAN at graduancareers@graduan.com.my.

In the email clearly state the following: 
  • That you're studying in Brisbane
  • The university you're enrolled in
  • Your field of study
  • Your graduation year 
Candidates who submit their Resumes before the 25th of September will be considered for interviews by some of the participating companies. Put simply, the sooner you submit your resume the better!

It is important to remember that the number of companies that will be coming over to Brisbane will depend heavily on the number of resumes GRADUAN receives from Brisbane. So this is very much a community effort! Spread the word to all your friends!

Please keep in mind that although the companies you're interested in might not come over to Brisbane, by submitting your resume to GRADUAN your resume will be stored on their online database. This database of resumes is made available to all the participating companies in GRADUAN's Australian Recruitment Drive. So no matter if some company might make the trip to Brisbane or not, your resume will get to the companies you are targeting for, and if they are interested in you, arrangements can be made for a suitable time and place for the interview (most probably back in Malaysia). And from there you never know what opportunity will be presented to you!

To receive the latest updates please click "Attending" on UQMSA's GRADUAN Recruitment Drive Facebook Event Page.

Important Links
Resume Submission

UQMSA GRADUAN Recruitment Drive Event Page 

GRADUAN Australian Recruitment Drive Homepage


Warmest Regards,


Anonymous said...

Do you happen to have statistics on the number of CV that have been submitted by melb,bris,syd?

writingbee said...

Really good work! Thanks a lot.