Saturday, April 28, 2012

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UQMSA Market Day Sem1, 2012

So the new semester begins, and how do we know that?
There was Market Day of course!
Market Day is UQ Union’s official welcome event where all students get to pick and choose which clubs and societies they want to be involved with throughout the year.

 Well a lot of you guys sure made the right choice because  UQMSA  hit a new record for sign-ups of new members! Guess being last year’s international club of the year sure helps eh? =D
It was great to see fellow Malaysians, both new members and old members turn up to sign up with us on the day.
What made it even better was that it wasn’t just Malaysians who wanted to be a part of our awesome little club, we had people from Australia, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, Chinese and Hong Kong signing up with us too! Or maybe it was the free food that we were offering to those who signed up that did the trick! =P
People snacking away while waiting in line to sign-up!
 And ouh man, did we have long lines!

Market Day turnout out great and we ended the day with more than 300 members signing up with  UQMSA !
If that’s not a good way to start off the semester I don’t know what is =)

Warmest Regards,
UQMSA Committee