Thursday, October 4, 2012

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UQMSA Annual General Meeting


The current UQMSA Committee's term is coming to an END and soon its going to be time to elect a NEW committee to lead the club!

If you're interested, take this opportunity to STEP UP and become more than just a member or a volunteer. This is a great opportunity to GAIN valuable real-life EXPERIENCES in leadership and organisational skills. 

So do join us for our ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING, the details are as below.

DATE: 18th October (Thursday)
TIME: 7pm-8.30pm

VENUE: 63-348 

1. President's report
2. Secretary's report
3. Treasurer's report
4. Election for the following posts:
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Social Conveneners (TWO)
- IT Conveners (TWO)
- Education Conveners (TWO)
- Sponsorship Coordinator (ONE)
5. Light dinner

There can be nothing more important than selecting the BEST possible committee to lead the club. So BE THERE and exercise your right to VOTE! =)See you there!