Sunday, May 22, 2016

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A few words of encouragement

  ITS WEEK 12  

WOW. What just happened?

It feels like just yesterday we were on a plane flying in to Brisbane, ready to embark, or reembark our journey here in UQ. Can't BELIEVE right!

Just last year, many of us would never have expected to be in the position where we are, today. We would never have known about the people we've met, the new connections we were to make and the new experiences we were going to encounter.
And that's both daunting and exciting at the same time. 

CONGRATULATIONS, for being here in the first place. 

You've already achieved a milestone in your life without even realising it. 

At this point of the semester, some of you are just about to finish and hand in those last bits of assignments and assessments.
Some are already preparing for SWOTVAC and the exam season. "Don't be scared. You will do great in exams! Don't worry"

And some are already anticipating a trip back home or even a !HOLIDAY! during this winter break. "This you should be excited, WEEEEEEE

Kudos to all of you who have made it this far. Who have gone through the struggles, the sleepless nights, tackling assignments, assessments and waking up for those dreadful 8am classes. You should be proud of who you have become and what you have achieved till now. WELL DONE!

Kudos to you for having survived the whirlpool of emotions, whether it was adjusting to the lifestyle, battling homesickness, feeling lonely, missing people back home, rushing deadlines or just feeling overwhelmed in general. 

If you're on the verge of breaking down, that's alright. 
Its alright to feel stuck sometimes. 
No matter what, remember to NEVER, EVER, GIVE UP and to ALWAYS look forward.
Things will only get better with time and perseverance. No pain is forever. 

If you're happy about the way things turned out to be, THAT'S GREAT.
Continue to be thankful for being here and being alive everyday.
Continue to be grateful for having encountered such a beautiful university in your lifetime.

When we open up our eyes to the opportunities around us everyday, LIFE really gets more beautiful.

Don't ever think we are far away from home.
Home is where you want it to be.
Don't ever to think you are alone.
We are here for you.
Don't ever think its too hard when you hit a bump.
Just take it a step at a time.
Don't ever stop living your life.
That's the most important thing to remember.

What's life without quotes?

The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” 

So, CONGRATULATIONS for making it this far. 

You're doing GREAT :)!
You're AWESOME doing what you're doing!

